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iGoats Small Breed Goat Organization

Connecting the Small Goat World


virtual evaluations and shows


A great opportunity to have professional judges view your animals and compare them to registered pygmy goats across the globe! Check your class prefererence- specific registry, international registries, or unregistered. Top 5 placings for each class will be listed with evaluative comments from the judge(s).



Breeds and Standards

Pygmy Goats, Nigerian Dwarfs, Miniature Dairy Goats, Pygoras, Kinder Goats, Mini Silkies, and More!

There are many breeds of small goats found throughout the world. iGoats provides educational links and resources to help the small goat breeder, owner or enthusiast. Registries exist for some of these breeds and the standards they see as the “ideal” for their breed of goat are listed by registry. Color charts and photos updated as more information becomes available!


Pygmy Doe with quintuplets


Goats are browsers, not grazers

mini dairy goats.jpg

Miniature Dairy Goats


Grey Agouti pygmy doeling

Patriotic Goat (1 of 1).jpg

Mini silkie show fun!



Health and Wellness

Caring for your goat(s) requires some advance planning prior to bringing the animal to your home or herd. Links to informative sites regarding goat health and wellness are provided along with a list of common goat diseases and testing information to promote the well-being of the small goat world.


feed and supplements

Goats are ruminants and require nutritious hay, usually grass hay or a blend of alfalfa and grass hay. Supplements of minerals and salt specifically for goats are widely available. Fresh water, neither too hot or cold should be a priority year-round.



Products are available for deworming your goat and fecal samples should be checked periodically to determine whether there is a need and type of dewormer to use. Many of these products are dual purpose and can eliminate external parasites that are specific to the goats as well.


disease testing

Before you bring a goat in to your herd, tests should be done for diseases such as Caprine Arthitis Encephalitis (CAE), Johne’s Disease, and Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL). A single blood test can be used to test for all three. Johne’s is a wasting disease that is currently not curable and a fecal sample submitted by the owner can be an economical way to do your part to protect the breed.



Goats require a dry shelter that can block the wind and rain and provide ample air and shade in the warmer weather.


The next level

Research and Science

We encourage you to visit the links to learn more about goat research and science on a variety of topics. We offer affordable DNA testing to collect data that will allow more scientific information to be gathered and dispersed as the mapping of the goat genome continues.


In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

-John Muir
